Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The autonomous device of independent aerogasic control of APNC is designed for independent (autonomous from the means of a stationary AGC system) aerogasic control, recording and storing in energy-independent memory the results of measuring the concentration of methane, carbon monoxide, oxygen, pressure, temperature with time reference.
The scope of APNC is underground workings of mines and mines, including hazardous gas (methane) and dust, sudden emissions.


All products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant: gas analyzers, sensors of combustible and toxic gases, atmospheric monitoring systems, thermal conductivity sensors
  • Portable gas analyzers
    Portable gas analyzers
    M01, M01-01, M01-03, M02, etc.
  • Stationary sensors
    Stationary sensors
    ITS 1, ITS 2, etc.
  • Stationary systems
    Stationary systems
    APNK et al .
  • Sensors and elements
    Sensors and elements
    DTP, DTH, TPE-K, TPE-R, etc.
  • Accessories and spare parts
    Accessories and spare parts
    PR-01, UZP-10M, etc.


The company specializes in carrying out research and development work, as well as serial production of automatic control and control equipment for industrial and municipal facilities, the operation of which is associated with the danger of accumulation of explosive and toxic gases in the environment.

    The use of gas analyzers makes it possible to significantly increase the level of protection of personnel of gas farms in the workplace at low costs.

    Determination of concentrations of toxic chemicals in the air.

    Autonomous aerogas control, recording and storage of measurement results in device memory.

Information Board

Learn more about our products.
  • Price list for products of the plant
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for portable gas analyzers front/main.switch_titleпроизводства NPC ATB
    Questionnaire for portable gas analyzers
  • Questionnaire for stationary sensors front/main.switch_titleпоставщика NPC ATB
    Questionnaire for stationary sensors
  • Questionnaire for stationary systems front/main.switch_titleв магазине NPC ATB
    Questionnaire for stationary systems


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